What has Sweet Perfection been up to?? A LOT!!!! Finished off the summer with a bang and getting back into the school routine with the children. Just a "small" sample of all the great sessions that past. I am getting ready for the next go of infants, 3 due this month!! woohoo! I love babies!!
Maternity sessions~~ Bellies are beautiful!
Then comes the joys of a sweet baby to hold. Of course these are not the babies in these bellies. The ones in the bellies are the babies due this month. :)
I just love the smell of a newborn, the soft feeling of their baby skin. It is such a peaceful time in my life when my children are born. I feel so complete. I love the chance to capture the first few days of life, it is a stage of life that is over in a blink but the images and feeling last a lifetime.
Children~ Sugar and Spice and everthing nice. I am a mom of boys, so when I get the chance to photograph girls I love it!!